Copyright and contracts
Another class discussion we had was about copyright and the rules of copyright in order to avoid it, as well as the benefits it has on individuals to create their own content, however I disagree with the statement that violating a form of copyright means the work that certain people are producing is not creating new or original content, It stated in slide 5 of session 5, that "Copyright is an incentive to create new work, and protect original work".
The reason being, taking footage that isn't yours and creating it into original content can be just as creative as a new concept. In my case editing different clips together from several sources of footage that doesn't belong to me can be considered original content, seeing that the sequence of the edit with the choice of music are my ideas.
I did learn however more about the rules of copyright to avoid and not have the risk of my YouTube channel being taken down. Since I am a Youtube content creator, I decided to look up some of the copyright laws for my own field, and I found that "If your work is for educational purposes, then use of copyrighted material falls under the "Fair Use" provision" However the videos I make are fight promo's, and isn't for educational purposes and for that reason I have started to only use royalty free music. The classes session has educated me in not risking my channels existence" (Levy&Siddiqui, 2009).
T. (2014, October 2). An Artist’s Guide to Copyright Law. Retrieved July 12, 2017, from
Levy, M., & Siddiqui, S. (2009, January 12). What's Legal YouTube: Fair Use Vs Copyright Laws. Retrieved July 15, 2017, from