Critical Reflection 2

When it comes to my teammates performances in their chosen roles, I believe we have had a very professional and smooth sailing experience except for the role of Producer which was initially fulfilled by another crew member who did not do his role or part well by missing certain shooting dates and not being very active in getting our paperwork done. Despite him being at a disadvantage as our director already had all the contacts himself and proceeded with organizing everything, our previous producer just did not seem very interested so as a result, our director also took on the role of producing and our former producer is now a production assistant to the documentary. Our director was very beneficial in securing our locations and communicating with the gym whenever we needed to get more shots of our contributors. During the set, our cinematographer was vital to the production as he not only brought his own equipment to make the shots stand out, but was also very vocal in finding the right shots for the message that we are trying to get across. He is very knowledgeable on cinematography and takes his craft very seriously, I saw this through the number of repeated shots he would take of the same angle or motion in order to get the exact type of shot that we are looking for. Despite our director not being as involved as he normally would be on a film set rather than a documentary set as very few was scripted, he was still vocal in what he envisions being done and how the filming should go which allowed us to better understand his vision for each sequence and not just the story that he and all of us are attempting to tell. For my role as editor, I had some new experiences in being much more involved in the production part of it all as previously I would be involved all the way through and even be on set, however, did not really interfere with the director's directions or vision. This time I was able to give my input on numerous occasions throughout shooting and I feel that as a result, we have come up with great footage and interviews. It's now my job to put the pieces of the puzzle together and edit a great documentary film that I and my crew can be proud of. Outside of our crew roles, I found our contributors and the gym overall to be extremely helpful in allowing us to do almost anything that we wanted, including shutting off the music in the entire gym for audio. It was a pleasant experience and very warming to see such an established gym support students and creativity in general.