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Collaborating with fans

In this class we discussed what ways to get fans to help us in our careers or projects when it comes to collaborating, promoting our work or using the audience as a means of finance for our projects using things such as crowdfunding.

The reason I enjoyed this particular topic is because that they will help me in my own field of film as well as personal projects such as my YouTube channel where I upload fight promos. The method mentioned that I found to be most useful for myself was the ways I could use fans to promote my work. Out of all the ways of involving fans, I think fan approval and response is the most important, because the more exposure my work has, the better chances of one day reaching my goal of becoming a professional video editor.

I personally find twitter the best means of promoting work to fans, with the different ways of reaching the fans and overall audience through direct messaging, tweeting and being able to tag all the relevant media outlets to further have my work seen is something that I found success in.

Here is a chart I found online that further gives advice out how to construct the perfect tweet in order to catch the fans and viewers eye. In my own opinion I feel that hashtags are the most important and useful was of reaching the specific fan base I'm looking for, and if my work is of high quality, the fans who come accross my video will share it through all social media platforms not just because they enjoy my work, but also to gain their own likes, follows and shares, so it's a cycle that benefits everyone.


Promote through Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2017, from

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