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The secret interview techniques

This was a class where we discussed what we could expect from an interview, and how to best prepare for the occasion. I picked this topic is because I feel this was perhaps the most important for our careers moving forward, in the future we could land several interviews but if we don't impress, there is sure to be someone else they interview who will, which is why standing out from the pack is crucial in any business to even be considered and land that dream job.

The part of the session that most caught my eye was the strange questions slide. Questions like, "if you were part of a car, which would you be and why?" and "What would I find in your refrigerator right now?" It made me wonder, what is the purpose of these questions? What meaning to they have behind them for the interviewee? Could they perhaps make or break an entire interview depending on the answer I give?

Here's my thoughts on the questions I asked myself. I believe the purpose of those types of questions are for the interviewer to understand the interviewee as a human, to know what way they think, get a sense of their lifestyle and know our goals without directly asking what our goals are to get a more honest answer from us. For example, if they asked what part of a car we would be, that could help them know where we see ourselves going with the company, if we want to just get paid, fit in, or reach higher goals and strive to get better.

According to interview Sarikas, these unusual types of questions are asked "to demonstrate quick thinking, poise, creativity, and even a sense of humor" (Heathfield, 2017). It also steers the interviewee away from an rehearsed answers and allows for the interviewer to know them better as people. So this aspect of the job interview isn't necessarily something I can prepare an answer for, however I can mentally prepare to have things asked that I do not have a rehearsed answer for, and that alone will give me a sense of calmness to not crumble under that pressure of not knowing what to say, so in conclusion this lecture is vital to anyone looking to achieve their dreams and goals, because us as individuals can have all the talent and skills in the world, but an interview will always make or break that potential.


N. (2016, September 29). Interview techniques to help you achieve success. Retrieved July 10, 2017, from

Heathfield, S. M. (2017, July 7). Unique Job Interview Questions Help Select the Best. Retrieved July 10, 2017, from

Åžahan, G. (2015, August 12). 27 Difficult Job Interview Questions of Apple, Google,Twitter and ... Retrieved July 10, 2017, from

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