I will be discussing a certain movement related to my field of study (film), I have decided to go with with the German Expressionism, and of course I had to pick an industry changing film in 'Metropolis'.
After the first World War, people in Germany could not afford to leave the country or spend excessive amounts of money due to the struggling economy. As a result, many people would turn to films for enjoyment. The specific film that I will be discussing is “Metropolis” (1927 dir. Fritz Lang)

Metropolis is known to be one of the most influential films ever created and while it's significance cannot be denied, it does have some flaws. Having watched it for the first time only yesterday, I thought that it lacked heavily when it came to acting. For me personally, I find it difficult to enjoy a movie that doesn't make me feel like what's happening is real, despite a great plot. I feel the beauty of films are that they can change your outlook on life in general or make you feel a certain way, I did not feel that with Metropolis however.
Another point is that the film did not feel whole, it felt like some scenes did not make sense and it also gave the feel of several films put into one. They had too much going on to the point of confusion. The film maker himself, Fritz Lang has said that he thought the film was 'patched together', also calling it 'silly and stupid'
Considering that it is an industry changing film, it of course also has positive traits throughout. It is a timeless movie that has inspired even todays generation. When it comes to fashion it has almost predicted the future with it's imagery that many celebrities these days are imitating.

I believe that I can take inspiration from this film and apply it to my own craft, despite some scenes feeling out of place, the editing techniques and transitions were seamless, the story line had potential for emotion despite poor acting, however I feel like I could take emotional side of the film and realize its potential with my own short film for my studies.
Darsa, A. (2013, December 26). Art House: An Introduction to German Expressionist Films. Retrieved February 9, 2017, from
Hutchinson, P. (2012, February 27). Future-proof: How Metropolis still inspires fashion. Retrieved March 1, 2017, from
Wise, D. (2010, October 21). Metropolis: No 2 best sci-fi and fantasy film of all time. Retrieved February 9, 2017, from